Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nuclear Energy in Pontianak? Oh...NO!!!!

Some of the activists from WALHI organized a campaign for rejecting the use of nuclear energy a couple days ago. The campaign  was centered around Digulist Monument. The activists distributed a thousand sheets of paper titled "Keep  West Kalimantan away from (Disaster) Nuclear Energy." They said that the purpose of this campaign is to remind the Government of West Kalimantan to stay away from the idea of ​​the construction of Nuclear Power. There must be no nuclear power plants in West Kalimantan, because there are many examples of the negative impact of nuclear matter, particularly a humanitarian catastrophe. 

The issue of developing PLTN Kalbar is  sounded after the discovered the location of uranium in Melawi recently. Moreover, Kalbar quite safe from causing damage to the reactor because of earthquake and tsunami. However, there is no guarantee of safety for nuclear technology in Indonesia. As we can see, the damage at nuclear reactor in Fukushima, Japan has made people worried about the radiation. Well, from this experience, it is unwise to make people feel unsafe, even in their own environment. WALHI also  sent a letter to President Yudhoyono and all heads of state as Southeast Asia, requesting that the plan to establish nuclear power plants should be stopped immediately.
Actually, Kalbar has abundant energy sources. Government can apply solar cells, bio fuels from plants and animals as well as water and wind power. If we can use these kinds of energy sources, why should we use nuclear, and feel worry all the time?    

Posted by: Anita Siswidianingrum

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